Sarah-Barrable Tishauer- Liberty Van Zandt
Daniel Clark- Sean Hope Cameron
Lauren Collins- Paige Michalchuk
Ryan Cooley- James Tiberius “JT” Yorke
Jake Goldsbie- Tobias “Toby” Isaacs
Aubrey Graham- James “Jimmy” Brooks
Shane Kippel- Gavin “Spinner” Mason
Andrea Lewis- Hazel Aden
Miriam McDonald- Emma Nelson
Melissa McIntyre- Ashley Kerwin
Christina Schmidt- Terri Macgregor
Cassie Steele- Manuella “Manny” Santos
Stefan Brogren- Archibald Rupert “Snake” Simpson
Mike Kinney- Mr. Armstrong
Linlyn Lue- Ms. Kwan
Amanda Stepto- Christine “Spike” Nelson
Dan Woods- Principal Raditch
Character Profiles:
Sean Hope Cameron- He came to Degrassi before and got left back. He has to repeat the 7th grade. He is a rebel who has a lot
of problems at home. His house isn’t exactly beautiful and his parents are alcoholics in Wasaga Beach. He punched a
guy back in Wasaga Beach which is why he returned. He scored with Emma, but blew it when he pushed her during a fight.
Toby Isaacs- He is pretty much the computer whiz at Degrassi. He has been best friends with JT since summer camp. He had a
little thing for Emma, but later got over it after he saw she wasn’t available.
Emma Nelson- She is one of the smartest people at Degrassi. She mostly cares about saving whales and the rain forest. She
is nice, but can be pretty stubborn at times. She is known to start petitions and try to save something. She has been best
friends with Manny since the 2nd grade. She dated Sean and then didn’t forgive him for pushing her during the fight.
Manny Santos- She is the sweet girl who is best friends with Emma. She is mostly known as Emma’s best friend and is
extremely nice and sweet. She can also be a tough cookie at times.
Liberty Van Zandt- She is the perfectionist at Degrassi. According to her, life is about being super perfect and super smart.
But she has a flaw. She has a math disorder- dyscalculia. And an evil rumor about her and Mr. Armstrong that was not true
almost got him in trouble. She struggles with that, but still manages to maintain her rep.
JT Yorke- He is the comedian at Degrassi. All he needs to survive is a good laugh and hot girls. JT will be there when you
need some cheering up. He is best friends with Toby. They may seem different, but it brings them closer.
Hazel Aden- We haven’t seen enough of her to get to know her, but we do know that she is good friends with Paige since
she is seen with Paige a lot.
Jimmy Brooks- He is the jock at Degrassi. He is good at basketball, but he got cut from the team after he pushed Sean during
the game since he had been taking Ritalin. He is best friends with Spinner. He was also dating Ashley for 8 months until she
cheated on him and took ecstasy at a party.
Ashley Kerwin- She was the class president and was popular, until she took ecstasy at a party. She lost all her friends and
had to start over. But what sucked the most was that she lost her best friend Terri and her boyfriend Jimmy.
Terri Macgregor- She was Ashley’s best friend and was pretty popular too. She is also good friends with Paige, Spinner
and Jimmy. She had a crush on Spinner, but Paige got Terri drunk at the dance and got Spinner for herself.
Paige Michalchuk- She is the most popular girl at Degrassi. She was best friends with Ashley until the night at the party.
She never forgave Ashley and treated her badly. And she still manages to keep her rep good.
Spinner Mason- He is best friends with Jimmy and isn’t exactly good at anything. He has ADD and takes Ritalin. He even
ruined Ms. Kwan’s car after she gave him detention on a Friday night. But he did manage to get Paige.
Mr. Armstrong- He is the math and gym teacher. A lot of the kids like him because he helps them out. He almost got fired when
a fake rumor went around about him and Liberty.
Ms. Kwan- She is the English teacher at Degrassi. She is a good teacher, but she is a little obsessed with Shakespeare and
poetry and can be a little mean and unfair towards the kids. But that was no reason for Spinner and Jimmy to ruin her car.
She had to deal with her husband’s chemo and ended up taking a break from school for a while.
Mr. Simpson- He is one of the coolest, most enthusiastic teachers at Degrassi. He always has a smile on his face when computers
or high-tech is mentioned, but he teaches media immersion, so that’s what you’d expect. But when it is time to
get serious, he will be serious.
Principal Raditch- He can be pretty strict most of the time, but he’s a good principal. Degrassi is a pretty safe school
and he is doing a good job.
Christine Nelson- She is the mother of Emma. She had Emma in high school and the father disappeared. She was about to have
an abortion, but didn’t. This is what bugs Emma sometimes. She is a cool mom and cares about Emma a lot.
Season 1 Episodes:
“Mother and Child Reunion (1)”
Emma plans to meet up with her 16-year-old online friend named Jordan. She has been emailing him for a few months and is in
love with him. Her friends don’t think it is okay, but she doesn’t care what they think.
Joey meets Caitlin again and is disappointed that she has changed a lot. Caitlin is engaged to a director named Keith.
“Mother and Child Reunion (2)”
Emma meets up with Jordan and discovers that he is a grown man. She hides in the bathroom and worries about what to do. Toby
manages to hack into her account and find out where she is. Toby, Manny, and JT tell Spike and Snake and they go to rescue
Emma. Emma and her mom have a little talk and Emma tells her mom how scared she was.
Joey decides to go to the reunion and overhears Keith telling Alison that he doesn’t want to marry Caitlin. Joey gets
in a fight with Keith and Caitlin finds out. The broken friendship between Caitlin and Joey is mended.
“Family Politics”
Ashley decides to run for school president. Her new step brother Toby wants to do everything he can to sabotage her chances
of winning. So he forces his best friend JT to run against Ashley. JT gets more votes than Ashley and Ashley is worried. JT
actually has a chance of beating Ashley, but Ashley couldn’t accept that. So she bribed JT with money and told him to
take himself out of the race. Toby finds out and is about to tell everyone, but Ashley convinces him not to. Ashley and Toby
get along again.
Emma and Manny deal with hazing. Spinner picks on them a lot. Manny pretends to cry when Spinner teases her and he feels bad.
Manny and Emma then laugh it off.
“Eye of the Beholder”
Degrassi has their first night time dance and everyone is excited! Terri and Spinner both like each other, but Terri doesn’t
want to go because she thinks she’s too fat. Paige really wants Spinner to be with her, and when Paige wants something,
she gets it. Ashley convinces Terri to go. Ashley leaves Paige and Terri. Paige gets Terri drunk and Terri makes a fool of
herself at the dance. Spinner was worried about Terri, but then Paige asked him to dance and he fell for her. Terri is upset
to find out that Paige stole Spinner.
Emma has to go to the dance by herself because Manny is not allowed to go to night time dances and Toby and JT can’t
dance. She sees Sean about to fight Jimmy, so she goes over to him, and asks him to dance. They dance and the night goes on.
Toby and JT don’t want to go to the dance; so instead, they decided to look at female porn. They ended up getting caught
and had to look at both male and female porn with Toby’s parents. Emma and Manny laugh at them and Toby and JT are embarrassed.
“Parents’ Day”
It is the day for parents to come in, meet the teachers, and see how their kids are doing. For Toby’s mom and dad, it’s
another reason to argue. He makes up a letter and somehow gets Mr. Simpson’s signature and that didn’t work. So
both Toby’s mom and dad came, starting off well. But once Mr. Simpson mentioned that Toby skipped class once and his
work is a little poor, Toby’s mom started to blame Toby’s dad. And then the two of them started arguing about
commitment. Toby was annoyed and embarrassed. He told them he was sick of them arguing all the time and using him to argue
more. They both got the message. Mr. Simpson was proud of Toby, but assigned him a very long essay for using his signature.
Ashley and Paige are both competing to get the attention of Toby’s mom, who is a casting agent. Neither of them got
her attention, but Terri did.
Emma writes an editorial about squeegee kids and how they are poor. Sean and his brother Tracker disagree with her article
and she gets mad because she thinks their opinion is wrong. Tracker crumples the article up and says it’s trash. Later,
Sean and Emma make up.
“The Mating Game”
Ashley and Jimmy have been dating for 8 months. During ed with Dr. Sally, Spinner asks her about Jimmy and Ashley and when
it’s time for them to do it. Jimmy and Ashley are embarrassed. Afterwards, Ashley shows the little clay heart Jimmy
made their anniversary and Paige laughs and says that his gift was cheaper than hers. She also says that Jimmy is bored with
her. Ashley is also mad that Paige and Jimmy kissed in the Romeo and Juliet play. Ashley was pissed about Jimmy being bored
with her, so she tells Jimmy she’s ready. They were just about to do it when she stops. They both decide they’re
not ready. Jimmy lies to Spinner and says it’s because Toby walked in.
Toby develops a crush on Emma. He invites everyone over to his house to watch some video on Mama Onu, since Emma is suddenly
obsessed with that turtle for her Media Immersion project. Emma forgets to go because she is too interested in Sean telling
her about his dog back home. The next day, Toby is mad at Emma and says she could have at least called. Manny tells Emma,
that Toby has a crush on her. Emma is surprised and feeling kind of late.
“Basketball Diaries”
Jimmy wants to be on the basketball team, but he is doing bad in English. He has to study for English. He tries to study during
basketball practice, but it’s a hassle. One day, he sees Spinner taking Ritalin, which is a pill for his ADD and it
was his last one. He needed it because not only was it his last one, but if he didn’t take it, he’d do something
crazy. But for regular people, it’s like speed. So Jimmy takes it and hogs the ball during the basketball game. He becomes
so mad when he sees Sean with the ball, that he pushes Sean to the ground and steals the ball and takes the winning shot.
Jimmy gets cut from the team.
Liberty always has to write the speeches that Ashley reads on the announcements. When people compliment her, Liberty gets
mad because it is her work. So Manny and Emma suggest that Liberty talk to Ashley. Liberty asks Ashley if she can do the announcements
for one day since it’s her work. Ashley says no at first, but then says okay. When Liberty does the announcements, she
was so horrible and people kept laughing at her. She was upset. Ashley helped her out and Liberty did better the next time
she did the announcements.
“Secrets and Lies”
Ashley was so happy when her dad came into town. She asked him to speak to her class. Ashley still doesn’t know why
her parents divorced. When she comes back inside, Ashley wonders why her mom and dad divorced. Ashley’s mom tells her
that her dad is gay. When her dad comes to pick her up early, he tells her that he wish he could have told her sooner. Ashley
wants to know if he’s been with anyone. He tells her about one guy he dated. Ashley remembers the guy. She gets mad
and says that her dad left the family for him. Ashley makes it clear to both her dad and Terri that her dad is out of her
life. Terri tells her that her mom died and she has no choice, but to move on, but Ashley’s dad is still here, so she
has a choice, and not to make the wrong one.
Liberty has a crush on JT. Emma and Manny tease him about it. Liberty writes a haiku about her love for JT. She asks him to
write something for the Grapevine. JT couldn’t take it anymore. He had to find a reason to get Liberty away. After Toby
tells JT that Ashley’s dad is gay, JT decides to “come out” to Liberty. After, Liberty suggests that JT
come out in the Grapevine to make it easier for others who are dealing with the same thing. JT tells her that he isn’t
gay. Liberty feels hurt and tells JT that if he didn’t like her, all he had to do was say so.
“Coming of Age”
Ashley and Jimmy are a good couple and are getting along well. But Ashley starts to feel smothered because Jimmy is around
all the time. She likes him and all, but he hangs out with Toby too much and has dinner at her house, like every day. Toby’s
mom and Toby feel that Ashley should give him a chance because his parents aren’t there for him. Ashley decides that
she’s ready to break up with him, but after his birthday. Toby tells Jimmy that Ashley wants to break up with him because
she is feeling suffocated. Jimmy breaks up with Ashley. The next day, Ashley tells him she wants to get back together, but
not because she feels sorry for him, because she loves him. They get back together.
Emma is very worried about her astronomy test and wanted to spend the last five minutes in homeroom studying with Manny. But
Manny and Sean were into astrology. Emma gets really mad and leaves. Spike sees Emma crying over a soap opera and says that
they should go shopping. A man sees Spike with an ice cream cone. and wants a lick of it and Spike takes it the wrong way.
Spike tells Emma to never be afraid to be female, while Emma is humiliated. Emma apologizes to Sean and wants to find out
her sign too. But then Emma gets her period and gets a pad from Paige. Emma has to wear gym shorts. Emma tells the class that
she got her period for the first time and that it was perfectly natural, causing JT to shut up, Toby to drop his pencil, and
Sean surprisingly falls in love with her. Emma starts a petition for tampons and Sean signs it. Emma is in love!
“Rumors and Reputations”
Emma thinks that something is going on with Liberty and Mr. Armstrong because she sees Mr. Armstrong touch Liberty’s
shoulder and passes her a note. Emma tells Manny, Terri hears them, tells Paige, who tells Hazel, who Sean over hears, and
Spinner hears him, etc... The rumor was that Liberty and Mr. Armstrong are “doing it” and are “extra friendly.”
When Liberty discovers what people are talking about, she and Emma decide to track the person who started the rumor. Emma
realizes that she was the one who started the rumor, and she tells Liberty.. Mr. Armstrong almost lost his job. Liberty tells
Emma she had dyscalculia, a math disorder, and that Mr. Armstrong was helping her. Emma offers to help, but Liberty tells
her that she sucks when it comes to helping.
Spinner finds an earwig in his lunch, but can’t prove it since the bug was under someone’s shoe. So he decides
to bring earwigs to school and put it in Ashley’s food. Ashley knows that it was him. Ms. Kwan gives Spinner a punishment
of 2 months working in the cafeteria.
“Friday Night”
Sean asks Emma to hang out with him and Emma is not sure whether it’s a date or not. Paige and Manny both say yes, but
when she asks him, he simply has no response. So she tries to kill him in dodge ball, but later tells him she doesn’t
hate him. So it is a date. Other than the bird poop, verbal diarrhea and going home to change again, the date went well, until
Emma lost her wallet. Sean looked everywhere and it turned out she had it all along. She is embarrassed, but Sean asks for
their picture the next day and she is in love.
Spinner is mad at Ms. Kwan for breaking his disc man by accident. Jimmy and Spinner imitate Ms. Kwan and Ms. Kwan hears the
whole thing through the intercom, and gives both boys detention on a Friday night. They decide to get back at her by ordering
pizza to the address of Degrassi and egging her car, leaving her crying. Spinner tells the class and Ashley thinks it’s
cruel. When Mr. Raditch announces that Ms. Kwan is taking a break because of all the stress and the Stratford trip was cancelled.
Spinner and Jimmy feel guilty.
Manny really wants to be a part of the Spirit Squad. She would go at anything to be in it. But Emma keeps saying it’s
sexist and doesn’t want cheerleading to happen. Manny does a cart wheel for Paige and is in the squad. Emma wanted to
write an article for the Grapevine, insulting cheerleaders. Manny convinces her not to, but when Emma hears Paige make a comment
about Emma over the phone, she changes her mind and writes the article. Manny and Emma fight and are not talking. Paige and
Hazel rip up all the articles and Manny rips up one. Paige tells Mr. Simpson it was Hazel and then Manny stands up to Paige,
telling her not to put her into her dirty work. Emma tells Manny she saw the whole thing and they make up.
JT and Toby have been collection cans for 2 months so they could win a million dollars. One can had to be the ace of spades
and the other the ace of clubs. When Liberty and Spinner find out, they have to split the money. JT loses a can and Toby,
Liberty and Spinner are mad. He finds the can in his locker, only to find that they had the same of one kind. Spinner is mad
that he hooked up with grade nines and Liberty and Toby stuff JT in his locker.
Ashley and Terri are entering the talent show as a duo called “Two Girls and A Key Board”, but Ashley is making
all the decisions for the song and the whole group. Paige wants to join. With the help of the tarot cards, Paige joins the
group, making Terri happy and Ashley mad. Ashley thinks Terri is an amateur until she predicts that Manny’s day will
end in a twist and Manny twists her ankle. When Terri and Paige make a new version of Ashley’s song, Terri lies and
says they should go with the old version. Ashley finds out and Terri doesn’t care. Terri and Paige go on as a duo. Ashley
says they were great and the group comes together as PMS.
Emma and Manny are excited about their panther performance and Toby agrees to be the hunter. But then Manny twists her ankle
and he has to dance while Manny is the hunter. Toby keeps messing up and even during the talent show, he messes up. Everybody
laughs at them until Sean tells them to shut up. Emma thanks him for standing up to them and kisses him on the cheek. Toby
is upset because he hoped he could ask Emma out.
“Under Pressure”
Exams are near and Sean is under stress. Plus, Emma finds out about Sean deafening a kid in one ear. Sean doesn’t finish
his test and is in a bad mood. Even Emma can’t help him. Jimmy’s innocent teasing gets Sean mad and Sean decides
to fight him after school. Sean ends up pushing Emma to the ground. Sean finds out he did well on the test and tells Emma,
he also apologizes to her for pushing her. She says she’s sorry too and dumps him.
Spinner doesn’t want to take the test, so he tries to catch Terri’s cold by licking her coffee cup. He is doing
pretty bad in the rest of the tests and thinks that he’s doing well. Nurse Henderson tricks him and tells Spinner that
he is going to stick some Vaseline in his nose. Spinner goes back to class and tells Ms. Kwan about his ADD. She tells him
to relax and take the test. He takes it and is surprised that he knew so much. But after that, he actually gets a cold! So
he was stuck with a cold all weekend.
“Jagged Little Pill”
Ashley is the perfect student and the teachers will miss her over the summer. Her parents say Toby and Ashley can only invite
one friend each, but Ashley invites Hazel, Paige and Terri. Paige tells Ashley that she should call Jimmy and invite more
people because she’s pretty cool when she does cool things. She takes the ecstasy pill and goes wild. Jimmy is telling
her to calm down and she turns it into a joke and everyone laughs. Ashley comforts Sean after Emma yells at him, and then
kisses him, and then one thing led to another... Jimmy finds out and everyone is telling Ashley to calm down and Paige calls
her a hag. She says that Paige is the hag and Paige leaves. Jimmy dumps her and Ashley loses all her friends, except for Terri.
JT and Toby invite Sean, and he comes only because they say Emma is coming too. JT has an ecstasy pill and Sean takes it to
the kitchen and switches it. When Emma comes, she sees Sean and he tries to talk to her, but she leaves. He cries and Ashley
comforts him, and as said before, one thing led to another...After Ashley leaves the room, Sean leaves the house to find Emma
crying. Toby hugs Emma and Sean leaves.