More season
4 pics!
This is in "King of Pain" when Marco was delivering his speech to become
the next student council president of Degrassi, and he seems pretty nervous!
This is also from "King of Pain", right before Marco's speech, Alex delivered
her speech and it's clear that there wouldn't be any dances or school trips if Alex is the student council president.
I guess you're really getting sick of pictures from "King of Pain" cuz that
episode is old news, but I had to put this one of Dylan watching Marco stand up to Jay in front of the whole audience. Dylan
is hot so I just had to have one picture of him!
This is from "Mercy Street" and I had to have it because it's cool to see
Emma sitting with people who were constantly making fun of her in seasons 1, 2 and 3! And they're all dressed really well
and look so cool!
This picture from "Mercy Street" was one I really liked because Emma and
Paige getting along is the most unlikely thing to happen, remember their fight over the cheerleading thing? And now they're
hanging out? Tres cool!
Manny Santos
This is the cutest picture I've ever seen of Manny, in my opinion. She looks so hot and gorgeous in
this cute red and blue striped tank top! |
Paige Michalchuk
I love this look for Paige! I like this cute pink shirt and the drawing on it and it makes her look
so sophisticated with the blue bra strap hanging out of the shirt! |
Left to right: Hazel Aden, Emma Nelson, Manny Santos, Paige Michalchuk,
Liberty Van Zandt, and Ellie Nash
This is the best picture of all the girls on the show! I know in the last season, not all the girls
were included in the "girls" pic, but now they all are! | |
Here are more season 4 episodes, I'm not gonna go by the N anymore,
just by each episode that has aired in Canada already...only if I can get my hands on pics since I live in USA!
This is the picture of the now-pronounced true rumor about the "famous fire"
on Degrassi. This is from "Anywhere I Lay My Head," when Ellie's mom forgets to turn the stove off or whatever the hell went
wrong! Either way, the house was burned down!
Paige with her new job at the movie theatre in "Islands in The Stream."
Clearly, she shouldn't be working her ass off for an idiot like Spinner. But hey, she was raised way better than that and
knows to do the right thing. And dumping Spinner was a wonderful idea, even though they were so adorable together b/c Spinner
is a child and a jerk!
I'm not sure that Manny and Spinner getting it on is on Paige's lists of
expectations from Spinner. You're looking at another "Islands In The Stream" pic!
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