Sarah-Barrable Tishauer- Liberty Van Zandt
Daniel Clark- Sean Hope Cameron
Lauren Collins- Paige Michalchuk
Ryan Cooley- James Tiberius "JT" Yorke
Jake Epstein- Craig Manning (season 2+)
Stacey Farber- Eleanor "Ellie" Nash (season 2+)
Jake Goldsbie- Tobias "Toby" Isaacs
Aubrey Graham- James "Jimmy" Brooks
Shane Kippel- Gavin "Spinner" Mason
Katie Lai- Kendra Mason (season 2+, recurring)
Andrea Lewis- Hazel Aden
Miriam McDonald- Emma Nelson
Melissa McIntyre- Ashley Kerwin
Adamo Ruggiero- Marco Del Rossi (season 2+)
Christina Schmidt- Terri Macgregor
Alex Steele- Angela "Angie" Jeremiah
Cassie Steele- Manuella "Manny" Santos
Mony Yassir- Nadia Jamir (season 2+, recurring)
Stefan Brogren- Archibald Rupert "Snake" Simpson
Melissa Dimarco- Ms. Hatzilakos (season 2+)
Mike Kinney- Mr. Armstrong
Linlyn Lue- Ms. Kwan
Pat Mastroianni- Joseph "Joey" Jeremiah (season 2+)
Amanda Stepto- Christine "Spike" Nelson/Simpson
Dan Woods- Principal Raditch
Character Profiles:
Nadia Jamir- She is new to Degrassi and she is in a wheel chair. We don't know much about her; except that she is good
friends with Kendra and that she doesn't let the wheel chair stop her from doing the things that she likes to do.
Kendra Mason- Kendra is Spinner's adopted sister. She is sort of a tomboy who enjoys sports, especially field hockey.
She is dating Toby, the computer whiz. She is seen hanging with Nadia.
Sean Hope Cameron- He is the ex-boyfriend of Emma. This year, he isn't getting into fights. He makes a new friend Craig.
He is on the basketball team and the wrestling team. He almost made up with Jimmy, but then he had too much at alcohol at
his party and got kicked out.
Toby Isaacs- Toby is still the same guy, the computer whiz. Except now he is dating Kendra. He is still best friends with
JT and is completely over Emma. He even tried out for the wrestling team, but got cut for making weight.
Emma Nelson- Emma has changed a little. She has developed a little. She is still friends with Manny. She had a crush on
the new boy Craig, but he ended up liking Manny. She even started a petition for GM Foods and got suspended for her beliefs.
Emma is still the strong and powerful person that she's always been. Also, she is now the step daughter of Mr. Simpson. She
was mad about him dating her mom at first, but learned to accept it.
Manny Santos- Manny is still sweet and best friends with Emma. When she learns that Craig likes her, she becomes hopelessly
romantic. But when Craig tells her he doesn't like her, she is devastated. But she moves on.
Liberty Van Zandt- Liberty has managed to be perfect this year. She did get a little out of control when she was coaching
the girls' field hockey team, but then she calmed down. She even went to the end-of-the-year dance with JT after helping him
study. But of course, just as friends.
JT Yorke- JT is still the comedian at Degrassi. He always manages to get someone to laugh. He even got the chance to spend
some quality time with Ms. Hatzilakos, but blew it when he made fun of her for the class. She forgave him and he decided to
use his knowledge for good purposes. So JT may be a comedian, but he is still smart.
Hazel Aden- Before, Hazel was just Paige's best friend. But we know her a little better. At International Day, she lied
and said she was Jamaican, but it turned out she was born in Somalia and she's Muslim. Now she is proud of her culture.
Jimmy Brooks- Jimmy is still an athlete and very popular. When Ashley turns gothic, he starts to like her again. They
get back together, but he couldn't accept the new Ashley, so she dumped him. Jimmy is single again.
Marco Del Rossi- Marco is the new guy at Degrassi. He can certainly break dance since he won the competition at the 80s
senior dance. But Marco has a secret: he's gay. He was first dating Ellie Nash, but then he realized that he was gay. Ellie
is the only one who knows and now Ellie is his best friend. He is pretty good looking and that's probably why Hazel liked
him too.
Ashley Kerwin- This year, Ashley has a new best friend named Ellie and she turned gothic. She wants to explore her dark
side. She gets back together with Jimmy, but after listening to Craig, realizes it was a mistake. Her friendship with Paige
is sort of mended now and same with Terri.
Terri Macgregor- She is now good friends with Paige and Hazel. She is a plus size model and was sort of ashamed when Mohammed
made fun of her. But her friends thought she looked good and that's what mattered. She is nice and friendly. She still gets
along with Ashley, even though they're not as close as they used to be.
Paige Michalchuk- Paige is still the most popular girl at Degrassi. But this year, she got raped. It was very unfortunate.
And because of that, her friendship with Ashley was mended. And now she likes JT more because he tried to beat Dean (rapist)
up for her. She is now dating Spinner and ever since the date rape, her attitude has softened a bit.
Craig Manning- Craig is also new at Degrassi. He became friends with Sean and had two girls crushing on him already. His
dad beat him so he had to move in with his step dad Joey. He is also very obsessed with photography, it's his hobby. When
his dad hurt him again, Craig hated him for good. Then his father died in an accident. Craig took it as a joke and had a breakdown
at the dance. He and Ashley became a couple.
Spinner Mason- This year, Spinner got a new girlfriend (Paige) and lost his best friend Jimmy. He stole Jimmy's MP3 Player
to get money for a new sweater he couldn't afford. Jimmy was very mad and broke their friendship. Spinner is still the funny
and cool person he's always been.
Ellie Nash- Ellie is a rebel who doesn't care what people think. She had a crush on Marco, and they dated, but broke up
when Marco admitted that he is gay. She promised not to tell anyone, and they've been best friends ever since.
Mr. Armstrong- He is a math and gym teacher and does a good job of balancing both. Kids like him because he's cool, but
he's very serious with sports and teaching math.
Ms. Hatzilakos- Lots of people like her, especially the boys because she is very attractive. When she was working with
JT, she was happy to see him learning. But she was disappointed when JT imitated her for the class, but all is well with JT
now. She may be as attractive as a model, but she really enjoys teaching science and that's what is most important to her.
Joey Jeremiah- Even though he was a huge trouble maker back in the 80s, he has calmed down now. He is a widower with a
daughter named Angela. His step son Craig moved in with him because his father beat him. He's a car salesman and a very good
Ms. Kwan- She is a good English teacher at Degrassi and although she can be annoying to kids sometimes, she is still nice
once in a while. That's only if you're on her good side.
Mr. Simpson- He is one of the coolest, most enthusiastic teachers at Degrassi. He always has a smile on his face when
computers or high-tech is mentioned, but he teaches media immersion, so that's what you'd expect. Now, he is married to Christine
Nelson, Emma's mom. So he is a father, husband and teacher now.
Principal Raditch- He can be pretty strict most of the time, but he's a good principal. Degrassi is a pretty safe school
and he is doing a good job.
Christine Nelson/Simpson- She is the wife of Mr. Simpson and mother of Emma. She and Mr. Simpson started dating again,
and then she proposed to him. She is now pregnant. She almost had an abortion, which caused some problems for Emma. She has
always been there for Emma and is a good mother to her.
Season 2 Episodes:
"When Doves Cry (1)"
Craig is the new guy at Degrassi. He knows Emma from Joey's wedding. He has a secret though, his dad beats him. And he
is also seeing his step-sister Angela behind his dad's back. His dad is not very happy when he finds out that he's seeing
Angela. He beats Craig very badly and leaves him with a large purple bruise.
JT is into older girls this year. He wants to go on a date with Paige. Every time he asks, she rejects him. But when her
friends offer her 30 bucks to go out with JT, she asks JT to go to a movie and dinner.
"When Doves Cry (2)"
Craig's dad acts like nothing happened. After trying to take away Angela to BC and his dad finding out, Craig runs away
with Sean. When Sean discovers what happened, Craig leaves Sean. Joey and Sean find him with the help of Emma and Craig leaves
his dad.
Paige and JT go on their date. At first, Paige is grossed out by JT, but then she starts to actually have fun. Spinner
and Hazel give her 30 dollars and Paige feels bad for what she did to JT, so she leaves. The next day, she apologizes and
gives him a kiss.
"Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"
Emma likes Craig and thinks he likes her back. She is also dealing with the fact that her mom and Mr. Simpson are dating.
She is mad when she and Manny go to the senior dance and Craig dances with Manny instead. She is pissed at her mom and Mr.
Simpson for making out and then her mom talks to her. Emma feels better.
Spinner and Jimmy are both excited about the break dancing competition, but Spinner can't dance. They get in a fight and
both go solo. They each get back at each other: Jimmy's pants' rip and Spinner's wrong music. Marco ends up winning 4 tickets
to see some game and the ladies. Spinner and Jimmy make up.
"Karma Chameleon"
Ashley misses Jimmy and all her friends. She apologizes to Jimmy and everyone forgives her. Everything is going well until
Ashley decides to go on a date with Sean since she isn't dating Jimmy anymore. Terri tells Paige and Paige tells Jimmy. Ashley
loses all her friends, including Terri.
Toby has a crush on Kendra, but she is Spinner's adopted sister. He is scared of Spinner and Kendra finds out. Toby stands
up to Spinner and Kendra asks him out.
"Weird Science"
After Emma wins the science fair, people find out about Mr. Simpson dating Emma's mom and Liberty thinks that's why Emma
won and she didn't. This leads to a confrontation with Mr. Simpson. Later on, Emma finds out it had nothing to do with her
science fair project and ends up getting along with Mr. Simpson again.
Spinner is having boners and he thinks it is because of healthy food. Jimmy tells him it's all about hormones. Sheila
tells them that they all come from hormones, and even thought it was Jimmy.
Joey goes out of the town for the weekend and Craig invites his friends over. Craig and the guys decide to take the car
out. After winning Kid Elrick tickets, they get busted by Joey and Joey rips up the tickets.
Ashley will do anything to gain points with Ellie, even if it means piercing her belly button when she's scared of needles.
Ashley backs out when she is getting her belly pierced and Ellie tells her that she doesn't need a piercing to impress her
because Ashley is her friend.
"Shout (1)"
Paige decides to go to a party instead of a date with Spinner and gets raped by the resident sports hero Dean from Bardell
High. Spinner finds out and isn't very happy. He thinks that Paige did it with Dean, but only Hazel knows.
JT and Toby have decided to share a locker, but all they do is fight. Toby makes boundaries on the locker, and when Toby's
sweater crosses JT's boundary, JT cuts Toby's sweater. They both fight and then Mr. Raditch gets them. They make up and JT
lets Toby cut his shirt.
"Shout (2)"
Paige, Terri, Hazel and Ashley reunite for PMS and enter the competition. Ashley writes a song called "Poor Thing"
about rape and Paige refuses to sing it. Paige later tells Ashley that she got raped and they decide to sing another song.
At the competition, Paige sees Dean in the crowd and instead sings "Poor Thing." She then goes to see the guidance
Liberty makes a slide show about JT for Media Immersion, sending everyone into heaps of laughter. JT is not amused though.
He insults her and she is mad. She destroys his locker and he gets in trouble. She then admits she was the one who did it.
The two of them are getting along again.
"Mirror in the Bathroom"
Toby is tired of being known as a geek, so he decides to try out for the wrestling team. With some help from JT, he loses
some weight. He even uses laxatives. He stops eating. JT and Ashley are concerned about him. JT confronts him and Toby accuses
him of being jealous. During a wrestling match, Toby faints in front of the whole crowd. JT and Toby make up and JT tells
him everyone was worried about him and that maybe people care about him after all.
Terri has been a plus-size model for a while and earns 500 bucks. She would buy herself new stuff and Paige and Hazel
think she shop lifts. But when a "More Grrl" ad reveals the beautiful model Terri, everyone is psyched, except for
Terri. Mohammed teases her. Spinner tells her she's beautiful and it doesn't matter how much you weigh, it's about having
a figure. Mohammed teases her again and Terri tells him off, telling him she makes more money than he does as an ice cream
"Take My Breath Away"
Manny has a crush on Craig. So she tells him she likes him and asks him out. Manny and Craig interpret their date differently:
Manny thinks the date was magical and Craig thinks the date was bizarre. Craig has no choice. He tells Manny that it's not
the locker he doesn't like, it's her.
Ellie has a crush on Marco and sends him secret admirer notes. What Ellie doesn't know is that Marco sort of likes her
back. When she asks him to meet her, Marco is surprised to see that it's her. Ellie thinks he rejected her and leaves. Marco
finds her and asks her out for some coffee.
"Don't Believe The Hype"
It is International Day and everyone is showing off their heritage, except for Hazel. She lies and says that she is Jamaican.
She even picks on Fareeza, a Muslim girl. When some idiots at Degrassi destroy Fareeza's display and wrote "terrorist",
Hazel feels really bad. She is accused, but then they caught the culprits. Hazel later reveals that she is Somalian and that
she's a Muslim.
JT is very good at sewing, but doesn't want the guys to know. So he switches his project with Liberty, who can’t
sew for her life. Liberty is sick of lying and tells the class that JT is the one who can sew. Everyone makes fun of him,
but then later, the girls are impressed and decide to pay him to sew skirts for them, leaving Sean and Toby jealous.
"White Wedding (1)"
Spike and Snake are getting married. Emma is very excited and is doing whatever she can to make the wedding perfect. The
only bad thing was Emma's keeping her perm too long, giving herself an afro. When Emma tells Spike that they were given the
wrong wedding cake and Spike reveals that she's pregnant and she's thinking of having an abortion. Emma tells Mr. Simpson
and he's mad that he never even knew that she was pregnant.
Manny discovers Sean is still in love with Emma, so she invites him to the wedding. Sean is surprised that she invited
him and can't wait to be there.
JT and Toby want to meet women and they ask Craig is a freak was coming to Snake's bachelor party and he said no. So they
tried to see Fancy, a freak, but the guy at the door wouldn't let them in. Craig manages to convince Joey to let a freak come
to the party and says it will be Craig's fault. At the party, Joey won't let JT and Toby come, but Craig can't either. JT
and Toby sneak at the window, but are caught and sent home.
"White Wedding (2)"
Snake comes home and is mad at Spike for not telling him. Emma feels guilty and tells Manny how bad she feels. Manny tells
her she invited Sean and Emma gets mad. Manny tells her that telling Snake was even worse and Emma leaves. She invites Sean,
for real.
Spike and Snake get a chance to talk things through and go through with the wedding. And so the wedding happens, after
all the trouble that was caused. Sean turned up at the party, danced with Emma, and they have an intimate moment.
Toby and JT are both grounded. Craig comes to tell them that Fancy came. Toby and JT fight over her until her boyfriend
says that he will dance with her.
"Careless Whisper"
Marco and Ellie are a couple now. The problem is that he doesn't seem attracted to her, even though he says he is. Marco
goes to Dr. Sally's website for the page on homosexuals. He thinks he might be gay. The boys tease him when he lies about
him and Ellie. He asks her out and they become a couple, at least it looked like it. Even Ashley suggested Marco might not
be into girls, but Ellie defended him. At Ashley's house, Marco admits to Ellie that he's not sure, but needs her to pretend.
Ellie says she'll be there for him.
Toby is really in love with Kendra. He gets her in trouble when he kisses the classroom window. Kendra is becoming sick
of him smothering her. Toby thinks she wants to break up with him, but Kendra shuts him up with a kiss.
"Hot for Teacher"
JT is stuck working with Ms. Hatzilakos as a punishment for misbehaving, which is good news for JT since he is into her.
He tells Toby and Sean how close he's getting to her. He is actually becoming interested in guinea pigs and helping them out.
Everybody teases him about the guinea pigs, then he puts balloons in his shirt as boobs, and everyone laughs. But when Ms.
Hatzilakos comes back, she is disappointed and won't talk to JT. Then Isabella comes out of her cage and they bond. They get
along again and JT tells Toby and Sean what happened, only ending with Isabella being free. They are mad, but JT is happy.
After Jimmy tells Spinner that he's stunk all week, Spinner tells him that from now on, they must always tell each other
the truth. After Spinner makes Jimmy comment on Ashley's story, Ashley thanks Jimmy and says she likes the new Jimmy. But
the boys end up writing lists about each other and yelling ridiculous things. They decide that they won't be honest anymore,
even though Ms. Kwan is chewing on her pen and has a huge pen stain all over her mouth!
"Message in The Bottle"
Emma and Sean are back together now. Emma invites Sean to dinner with her parents. Sean gets drunk and when Spike offers
him leftovers, he takes it the wrong way and leaves. He thinks that everything is over with Emma. He gets even more drunk
at the party and when Emma finds him, he drops the bottle and it breaks. Jimmy kicks him out. Sean and Emma work things out
the next day. Emma tells him she won't break up with him and she forgives him.
Jimmy is still in love with Ashley, so he invites her to his party. She is upset that she came at first, but then he tries
to spend more time with her. When Jimmy tries to kiss her, she pushes him away. The next day, she kisses him and they are
back together.
"Dressed In Black"
Jimmy and Ashley are back together, but other people don't accept it since she's a goth and he's a jock. Ashley is paired
with Craig and Jimmy is paired with Hazel for a project in drama. Ashley changes her look for Jimmy when he tells her he likes
her old look. After listening to advice from Craig and seeing that Jimmy is trying to change her, Ashley realizes that she
can't change herself just to be with him, so she breaks up with Jimmy.
Toby and JT have sex ed class and JT suggests they buy cundums. When Spinner finds cundums in JT's locker and discovers
it's not JT's, he is very mad at Toby. Kendra confronts Toby and tells him he's a pervert for thinking she'd have sex him.
Toby tells Spinner it was JT's idea, and so Spinner turns JT into a globe of cundums. He tells them that he won't let anyone
put pressure on Kendra.
Liberty and the girls try out for the field hockey team. Emma, Manny and Kendra get in, but Liberty doesn't. Instead,
she's chosen as team manager. She has to clean the uniforms and do the dirty work. She wants a sponsor from Joey. The boys
are mad and challenge them to a game. Liberty coaches the team and becomes really controlling and mean. She mostly picks on
Manny. When they play the game against the boys, Manny hurts her arm. Liberty goes insane and says she has to stay in the
game, then everyone quits. They later go back out, without Liberty's help. They surprise her when both teams get sponsored
and give her a uniform too.
Terri decides to read both Paige and Hazel's palms. Terri is freaked out because Paige's days are numbered and she has
no life line! Paige finds out and is worried. Hazel and Paige look it up and discover that you're supposed to read a person's
dominant hand, the hand you write with, but Terri read Paige's left hand. Paige and Hazel decide to use Terri since Terri
thinks Paige is going to die. Terri does Paige's homework and all kinds of stuff. Ashley finds out about their little game
and Terri confronts them. She runs after Paige, angrily.
"Fight For Your Right"
Emma thinks that GM Foods aren't good for people's health and decides to inform people. After Raditch tells her not to,
she decides to give up. When she sees a commercial convincing people that the cafeteria food is good, she decides to protest.
Raditch suspends her, but she continues to protest. He threatens her with a 2 week suspension if she doesn't apologize. She
decides not to apologize and accepts the 2 week suspension.
Spinner is mad that he is the only person who wears the same clothes and Jimmy teases him about it a lot. When Jimmy leaves
his MP3 Player behind, Spinner takes it and decides to sell it to Sully. Jimmy is mad that he lost his MP3 Player. After apologizing
to Spinner, Sully comes to Spinner with the money and Jimmy is mad. Spinner gives back the MP3 Player. Jimmy takes it, and
ends their friendship.
"How Soon Is Now?"
Paige is doing well ever since she talked to Ms. Sauve about her rape. But when Dean returns to Degrassi for a game, Paige
is scared. She even warns Manny about him, but Manny refuses to listen. Hazel tries to tell Spinner what happened, but he
wouldn't listen. After telling JT, JT takes the stand and tries to beat Dean up, but both he and Dean get in trouble. Spinner
finally realizes what Dean really did, and tries to beat up Dean too. Paige stands up to Dean and says that she will get him
and finally decides to press charges.
Marco and Ellie are doing a commercial for cologne and Mr. Simpson lends them a camera. All is going good, but when Ellie
stands in for the commercial, she kisses Marco and Marco doesn't have the same feeling. Ellie changes the commercial and tries
to make Marco into something he isn't. After apologizing to Marco and telling how hard it is for her to not know what Marco
is. Marco tells Ellie that he is gay and that they will always be friends.
"Tears Are Not Enough (1)"
Craig and the rest of Degrassi are getting ready for end-of the-year exams and the end-of-the-year dance. Craig is doing
okay, until his dad enters his life again. Craig joins him for dinner and when his dad asks Craig to move in again, Craig
says that Joey's is more stable. Craig's dad leaves and starts yelling at Craig for choosing a car salesman for a step dad
and an interesting goth girl for a girlfriend, then Craig pushes him and his dad slaps him to the floor. Craig tells his dad
he'll never change and that he hates him. Craig and Joey learn that he died in a car accident.
JT isn't doing so well with the tests and is hoping Liberty could help him out. She says that she will help him only if
he takes her to the dance. After Liberty helps him and he does well, he is about to ask Paige to the dance when Liberty comes
to congratulate him. He has no choice but to instead ask Paige if he could help Liberty pick out an outfit.
"Tears Are Not Enough (2)"
Ashley, Joey and all of Craig's friends are concerned about his behavior. He jokes about his dad's death and tells Joey
that he is glad that his dad is dead because he beat him. He enters himself and Ashley in the Luau King and Queen. At the
dance, after he wins the Luau King with Ashley as the Queen, he sees someone that looks like his dad and realizes his mistake.
He is about to cry, when Ashley tells him she knew it was a mistake to come to the dance. He insults her and has a break down
and rips the wall paper and leaves and bangs his head on the wall. Terri comes to comfort him and tells him that the reason
he's crying like crazy is because he loves his dad. He goes back inside and tells Ashley he's okay and he won't go psycho.
Paige and Spinner enter the Luau King and Queen and Jimmy is not happy. He doesn't want Spinner to win, so he asks Hazel
to enter with him. It's a war: Paige and Spinner vs. Hazel and Jimmy. In the end, neither of the couples won and they all
suffer together.