www.degrassi.tv- This is the official site for Degrassi: The Next Generation. Experience Degrassi Community School virtually. You'll have
your own locker, read the characters' journals, post in the clubs, play games, be a class rep, and there is a section for
fan pages with cast info, photos, and so much more!
www.tvtome.com/DegrassiTheNextGeneration- This is the official Degrassi: The Next Generation site on tvtome.com, and the site includes detailed episode guides for
each season, a section for news, air dates for every episode, a forum in which Degrassi fans debate over anything Degrassi,
and much more!
www.degrassiusa.50megs.com- This is a fan site for Americans that watch Degrassi, this site goes by the air dates of the N. It is currently under construction,
I think.
www.degrassirealm.tripod.com- This is by far one of the most original and amazing fan site I've ever seen since...ever! It has pictures, news, episode
guides for each season, episode reviews, and much more!
www.degrassicutie1.50megs.com- This is my fan site for Cassie Steele, I haven't exactly updated it in a while, but you can check out what's there for now!
www.groups.yahoo.com/groups/degrassizone- This is my yahoo group for Degrassi and it's not exactly updated at all because I need more people to join, I need at least
20 people and I have about 5 or 6 people right now. Please join if you have a yahoo username! Get one if you don't have one!
www.degrassi.fanfic.cc- A person named Tonya created this Degrassi fan fic site which is DEGRASSI FAN FICS ONLY, and you can also review each other's
stories and respond back to the reviewer!
www.twiztv.com/scripts/degrassi- This person has written scripts for some episodes in seasons 1 to 4 on her own, so go check it out if you're sick of waiting
for The N to air new episodes!
www.livejournal.com/users/starsprite22- This is another great person who writes amazing scripts for Degrassi: The Next Generation on her own as well. So far, she
has some season 3 episodes, but EVERY SEASON 4 EPISODE EVER AIRED IN CANADA, SHE HAS! So hurry up and read it!