“Anywhere I Lay My Head”
Ellie and Sean are getting real serious, so serious that Ellie considers moving in with Sean because her mom's addiction to
alcohol is getting worse. Meanwhile, while Paige is out wick with the flu, Manny and Spinner get a little extra friendly.
As much as I love Emma and Sean together way more than Ellie and Sean, I think it's very amazing to hear Sean say that he
loves Ellie and really cares about her. I mean, him and Emma had a serious relationship, why couldn't he say that to her?
As for Amy, there wasn't a real relationship between them! Ellie's mom really disgusts me when she's drunk! Especially when
she was laughing too much at the open house at school, even Mr. Simpson was weirded out!
Marco and Ellie talking again really brightened my day! I thought they stopped talking to each other. It seemed like up until
this episode, Paige and Marco were the best of friends!
Sean made guacamole for Ellie...how sweet! See, Sean still has a soft side!
The famous slap Mrs. Nash gave Sean had me cracking up while everyone else at the party was in a state of shock! And what's
with Ellie leaving the house twice?
Ellie really told her mom off back at the house. Her mom could do nothing but cry because she knew Ellie was right! In the
end, Ellie and Sean are living together, and Ellie had the CUTEST laugh when she showed Sean the ferret!
Manny and Spinner, oh boy. They're actually not that bad together! But that's not what Ashley and Craig think. Craig was getting
extremely jealous and that had me laughing! What was with Spinner's face when he was playing the drums? Manny was exaggerating;
he was not great at all! Manny and her boobs popping out all over made me realize that she's the same old slut we knew in
season 3! Poor Paige, she doesn't realize Ashley's not the only one who has been played by her boyfriend!
All in all, this episode was pretty good! I'd give it 8 out of 10, just because it wasn't perfect. I hope that the future
episodes are just as good and I'll be back soon!
Review by: degrassicutie1
If you have any questions or comments, email me at: degrassicutie1@yahoo.com
“Ghost in the Machine”
Paige has her rape trial with Dean; Craig inherits a car from his late father.
I have to say that this was an extremely sad and intense episode, a very good way to premiere a new season! Plus this time,
Emma didn’t have the plot of the season premiere and didn’t even have some kind of role in the plot or sub-plot
(When Doves Cry)
For once, Spinner had some good luck. That car was mad hot!
I thought it was so cute when Dylan kissed Marco and called him “darn cute.” I mean, you can’t get enough
of Dylan even if he has only 3 lines in this episode! I was feeling really bad for Paige when Dean was trying to make her
drop the charges, she looked so lost and sad and confused.
The trial was probably one of the most intense scenes on Degrassi ever! Not because the N didn’t edit the trial at all,
but because this would determine Dean’s place: jail or home. I had to give Paige props for standing up to that attorney;
she really gave her a piece of her mind!
Then came the most ultimate decision of all time: whether Dean was going to jail or would be free. And as the judge was announcing
her decision, I bet millions of Degrassi fans were crossing their fingers and praying for Paige, but I guess that wasn’t
enough since she LOST! But then again, she waited too long and the evidence disappeared instantly.
I think that Marco trying to comfort Paige is a sign that Marco and Paige have a very strong friendship. But here’s
one question: how will a party cover up a rape trial loss? Anyone see my point?
Which brings me to the most disturbing thing that’s been mentioned by A LOT of people: Where the hell was Dylan when
Paige was facing the most important trial ever? What kind of brother is he? Shouldn’t he be there supporting his little
sis? Before the episode aired, I imagined who would be at the trial and Dylan was definitely one of those people. And to top
it off, he has a frat party a few hours after Paige loses the trial! Talk about brotherly love!
I have to say, Marco and Dylan grinding was so hot! Hazel’s shirt at that party why smokin’ fly! And what Paige
said to Spinner was so mean and harsh….well, it’s Paige!! It’s like Paige is his boss, how can he let a
girl diss him like that?
Dean had some nerve saying what he said to Paige. If I were Paige, before going to the frat party were Dean was, I’d
call the police so that when Dean confessed, the police would have it recorded and Dean would go to jail…but Degrassi
is too intense for happy endings! Dean totally deserved to have his car crashed by Paige, but NOT with Spinner’s car!
I can imagine all the pain Spinner was feeling right then right there while Paige was laughing her ass off!
I thought it was so awesome when Paige told Dean that good people admit it when they’ve done something wrong, and I
seriously think she told him off good! Dean looked so scary, but deep down, I’m sure Paige wasn’t afraid at all!
Good for her for doing the right thing!
$4,000 is a lot of money; I would give anything to be in Craig’s place! First off, I have to say how cute it was the
way Ashley and Craig were at the music store and they were laughing and acting like really good friends, I love it when they’re
like that! But I was so mad at Craig for talking to Joey like that; if it wasn’t for Joey he would still be out in the
streets attempting to go to British Colombia, so good for Mr. Simpson for telling Craig off! And then we learn that Joey might
going out of business…boo hoo…and he wanted the dealership to be there for Craig! So what have you got to say
now Craig? It still ends up being all about YOU!!
This was such a good episode! I give it 10 out of 10, because it was absolutely flawless, although the absence of Dylan at
the trial disgusted me, Dylan was not that important in the episode! ‘Til next time!
Review by: degrassicutie1
If you have any questions or comments, email me at: degrassicutie1@yahoo.com