Welcome to Degrassi Zone!
This is my first Degrassi: The Next Generation site! I hope you all enjoy Degrassi as much as I do! I am a hard-core fan of
Degrassi! I eat, sleep and breathe Degrassi! I've never missed an episode and I know everything about it! This inspired to
start my own site! It may not be as cool as degrassi.tv(official degrassi site), but it's still a pretty cool site!
Owner/Creator/Editor: degrassicutie1 (me)
Co-Owner: rrobins309 (hi)
Co-co-Editor: queena90210
Site Started: November 10, 2004
Site Ended: Not any time soon!
Congratulations to DegrassiZone, it has been running for 6 months! Half a year already? Awesome!
Degrassi News:
May 27, 2005- You have probably all heard that Season 5 of Degrassi has begun filming, so that's great news! And there
is a new instant message convo between The-Mary and Lauren Collins, so check it out at: www.the-n.com/checkit/article.php
March 20, 2005- There is a 6-page Degrassi article in the New York Times Magazine! You can either buy the newspaper
where you will find the magazine inside, or read the article online at: www.nytimes.com/2005/03/20/magazine/20DEGRASSI.html?oref=login
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